The Reason for the Season: Giving Back to our Local Animal Shelter
Last month, we teamed up with Tall Tails for their Buy One Give One blanket initiative. Tall Tails committed to donating one blanket to the shelter of our choice for every blanket purchased at a Polkadog Bakery store or on our website in the month of November. This past week, we packed up the car and headed to the Worcester Animal Rescue League in Worcester, MA to make a donation of 100 blankets.
After we brought all of the blankets inside, we lined the room with Tall Tails toys and Polkadog treats and brought out each shelter dog one by one to let them pick their Christmas gift. Some of the pups chose squeak toys, others chose durable toys, while some went straight for their favorite bag of treats. Worcester Animal Rescue League shared stories about some of the dogs in their care, and we shared stories about our own pets. There were lots of smiles and a few tears.
We spent the rest of the afternoon volunteering! We made enrichment toys and stuffed Kongs, and took some of the bigger dogs to run around in the pen. To top it all off, we witnessed an adoption at the end of the day, so of course we had to send her home with a blanket and treats. Congratulations on your forever home, Shelly!
This holiday season, we encourage you to give back to your local animal shelter. Giving back is not just monetary. Small gestures make a big difference. Donate your gently used towels, blankets and toys, sign up to walk dogs, volunteer to do a laundry or dishwashing shift, or simply share an adoptable pet on your own social media. It all matters, and it truly makes all the difference in the world to the shelter animals and staff.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who purchased a blanket for this initiative, and to Tall Tails for all of the great work they are doing to help keep shelter animals warm. Happy holidays for our pack to yours!