Welcome To Our New Home
Welcome to the all new polkadogdelivery.com
For those of you who don’t know, we started this company as a tiny corner neighborhood pet shop in the South End of Boston in the winter of 2002. Things sure seemed simpler back then — especially to how they seem now — flip-phones were all the rage, robot vacuum cleaners burst on the scene, maybe even moon boots were staging a comeback. We were making dog treats, every day and every night. In the little corner shop on Shawmut Avenue. And the South End dogs were happy. That’s as complicated as it got. There was much rejoicing.
Well, time has indeed flown by, and quite a bit has changed since then: we've opened 7 additional Polkadog Bakery retail stores (soon to be 8), started shipping food and toys and our own gourmet treats across the globe, even launched a successful wholesale business and a local home delivery service. You might say we’ve grown up some, spread our wings a bit. But we’ve never left behind or forgotten our underdog roots or the wonderfully supportive and inclusive neighborhood of Boston that took us under their wing and stood by us every step of the way.
Up until the last half of last year…we’ll call it 2019 BC (before coronavirus) we’ve had what can only be described as an internal global technology conundrum. In short, a bit of a digital rat’s nest. You see, we built all this stuff one piece at a time, over many years and it got a little unwieldy. We had one website for our Boston shops, one website for our wholesale and retail treat business, a couple of different email marketing campaigns and loyalty programs, a few disparate social media accounts...you get the idea. A real world wide web frankenstein.
Naturally, having all these tributaries branching off the main stream made things a bit cumbersome and confusing for you, our customers, and frankly for us as well. So last year we decided it was time to reset, time to get out the tools and bring together the braintrust, hit the drawing board so to speak, and rebuild this kaleidoscope into an epic vista of panoramic proportions.
So, here we are in our new home. If you’re finding yourself with us for the first time, howdy, we’re glad you dropped by. You probably won’t notice anything different since you’ve never visited before, but within these digital walls you’ll find anything and everything you need to keep your hound and even your cat healthy and happy. More on that later. In the meantime, kick off your slippers, put on the kettle and stay awhile: we think you’ll like what we have to offer.
If you’re a returning Polkadog superfan, welcome back. We hope you like the new digs. We couldn’t have made it here without your unwavering support over the years and we’re grateful that you continue to put your trust in us and what we do.
After all, it’s always been about family. We’re glad you’re a part of ours.
Rob Van Sickle & Deb Suchman